Monday morning around 10:30 we took Isabel to the waterpark here in our hotel (the Edgewater Resort in Duluth). It is the slow season, so the waterpark actually shuts down every day from 12pm-4pm, but we figured an hour was plenty of time to introduce her to the waterpark for the first time! She was, of course, excited to go in the water, and they have a great kiddie play area that is only 6-8 inches deep, and she waded right in with Daddy (I had Josiah in the Moby wrap and was walking around taking photos of them).

Unfortunately about 30 seconds after she waded in, a GIANT bucket of water at the very top of the kiddie area turned over, dumping gallons of water on top of many screaming children. Most children were screaming excitedly, but Isabel was screaming in sheer terror, even though the water barely splashed her at all. That is our timid little girl for you! We tried valiantly to warm her up to the kiddie area after that, but the cause was lost at least for that day. So, she donned a life jacket (very willingly I might add, which surprised me), and off to the lazy river they went.

As you can see, she really enjoyed floating in the middle of the innertube while being pushed by Daddy, and also liked riding on top of it with Daddy for awhile. Her recent swimming lessons have made her much more comfortable in the deeper water.
Next, it was on to the vortex pool, where the water pushed them around in fast circles and she chased floating balls around.

And then to show off her skills as a future WNBA player? (Maybe not, but she sure had fun dunking the pink ball with the help of Daddy! The below photo shows her expression right after she made a shot).

After a shower, lunch, and a much-needed nap for everyone, we all set off on a walk down the Lakeview Path, with Isabel in the backpack carrier and Josiah in the stroller. Couldn't see much for scenery because of the dense fog in Duluth right now, but it was fun all the same.
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