...she happily ate all the cheese, most of her "sand"wich (in the most literal sense of the word), and about half the peaches, sand and all! We had a great time at the beach with her and were happy that the weather warmed up enough for us to take her there!
Isabel (& Josiah) Island
- Kristy
- Eagan, Minnesota
- I am a Christian, trying-to-be-crunchy wife and mama of two kids (nearly 5 and nearly 3), who keep me very busy, as well as the mother of our angel baby who was born and went to be with Jesus on November 26, 2012. I also work full-time outside the home so I don't get to blog nearly as much as I would like about my children, but I do what I can!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Beach fun
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Disney Day (or two!)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
We're in "Loh-la" (translation = "Florida")
Mommy asked: "Where are we going today?"
Isabel promptly replied, "Up high!"
Mommy (laughing): "Yes, honey, that is right, we are going up high in an airplane. And where is that airplane taking us?"
Isabel: "Loh-la!"
Mommy: "That's right! And who lives in Florida?"
Isabel: "Mimmie!" (can be translated "Mickey" or "Minnie")
Mommy: "Right! And who else?"
Isabel: "Nahma!" (Grandma)
Mommy: "And who else?"
Isabel: "Papa!"
Ah, the adorable early morning conversations with a toddler. I will miss the mispronounciations as she grows, because with each word she learns to pronounce correctly, she is getting older and slowly but surely becoming less dependent on me. I cannot believe that she is going to be two years old in one week. The time has flown and with another one on the way, it will surely go by even faster.
So, we arrived safely in Florida to a balmy and humid (albeit overcast and drizzling) 70 degrees. Isabel did quite well on the plane for a two-year-old, and actually, shockingly, fell asleep in her stroller shortly after we landed at the Orlando airport. She NEVER EVER falls asleep in her stroller, so this was quite amazing and photo-worthy (photos will be posted soon as we are trying to figure out how to upload them from our camera to the computer)! Not to mention, she continued to sleep in that stroller for 25 minutes in what was without a doubt the loudest rental car parking garage I have ever been in. There were car alarms being set off every few minutes as people were trying to find their cars (none of the spaces were numbered, as the garage was under major construction), and at least twice, a large tractor passed by within 5 feet of her stroller dragging metal garbage cans over the concrete (take a second to imagine how loud that was!) and the kid never even fluttered an eyelash. Quite tuckered out from the long travel day...but had a great evening as we visited with our friends Jenna ("Nenna"), Aaron ("Aay-on"), and Camille ("Meel!"). The little princess is now sleeping soundly as her parents enjoy our first evening of a much needed VACATION!
"Checking her messages" after the plane landed! :)
What a tired girl to sleep through the ruckus of the parking garage!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Ladybuggy Halloween - 2009
Click here to view these pictures larger
Let me start off by saying I am happy to be able to title this post "A ladybuggy Halloween." I bought Isabel's adorable ladybug costume over a month ago, and for the past month, when I have occasionally asked her to put the costume on, she has very politely said "no." I think the bulkiness of the costume was freaking her out a little! But finally on the Wednesday before Halloween, right before her bath I was able to get her to try it on with no problems, and toddle around in it for awhile. Whew! What a relief especially because it was SO adorable as you will see from the photos. I do not think I could have chosen a cuter costume on our petite little girl!
So, Isabel the ladybug had a blast on Halloween this year! On Friday, she got to bring her costume to school where they had a Halloween parade in the morning, and a party in the afternoon (parents were invited so of course we went!) At the party, she got to make bubble bats, color and decorate a Halloween crown, and (this was the best part) frost and eat a Halloween sugar cookie. Well, to be more accurate, once Isabel figured out that the orange-and-black sprinkles and frosting were edible, she proceeded to eat those while Daddy ate the cookie that she had partially frosted!
Saturday we got her back in her costume and headed out trick-or-treating to a few houses in our neighborhood. The first house we went to was our good friends the Ryans, and we were welcomed by sidewalk chalk signs and drawings in their driveway and sidewalk that said "Ladybugs wanted!" (They are some of Isabel's biggest fans and she loves them too!) And after we visited their house and Isabel selected a few pieces of candy for her "puh-ple" pumpkin, we were pleasantly surprised to find ANOTHER little ladybug walking around our neighborhood (our other neighbors were out with their daughter Natalie who is 6 months younger than Isabel). The two ladybugs were a little shy of each other at first, but at the end, they warmed up to each other and were definitely invading each other's space (as you can see in the photos) and Isabel was pointing at Natalie's spots! How darling!
Then it was back home again to welcome all the other trick-or-treaters to our house. Of course, Isabel would always point out the "boys" that came to the door (she loves to say "boy" but will not say "girl" - hopefully this is not a sign of boy-craziness in the future - oh dear). Isabel got her first taste of candy, since she had, of course, done all the work of saying "teet-teet-teet" (translation = "trick or treat") at each door. So, I may shock you by saying that we, the sugar-averse parents, broke from our rules and gave her a piece of a Kit-Kat and a piece of a Reese's (both of which she was most fond of!)
So last year...the crawling Squirt the turtle, this year, the toddling ladybug...what will next year's Halloween bring? We shall see!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Apples, pumpkins, and more apples!
3) Sticking her head in the little cutouts in the animals faces. We especially liked showing these photos to her on the computer at home, where she could see herself as a cow ("moo-moo-moo"), sheep ("baa-baa"), etc.
4) Getting to carry around, and eat, her VERY OWN apple that we picked off the tree just for her! That thing was glued to her hand from the moment we gave it to her until we ended our day at the orchard!
5) "Helping" Mommy and Daddy find the very perfect pumpkin to take home and (hopefully) carve. It will be interesting to see if she likes the feeling of pumpkin squishing through her hands, and if she tries to eat it (ew!)
"I think I found the one, guys!"
6) Opening the car door when we got home to find her sleeping HARD in her carseat, exhausted from her adventure (those of you who know Isabel well will know that this never happens, especially not to the point where we can take a photo without her waking up!)
There were too many cute photos to put on the blog, so I have posted a few here and you can find the rest at our Shutterfly site, http://www.lukeandkristy.shutterfly.com/.
Enjoy your autumn!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Smart girl starts preschool!
My favorite thing that she does, that is school-related, is that every time you ask her, "Isabel, do you have school today?", she responds "Uh-huh!" and then when you ask "What do you get to bring to school?" she says, without fail, "Bah-pah!" (backpack). How adorable is that?
Here are two photos of her before her second day. The first day she was being anti-photo, but I figured we would try again the next week, and she cooperated QUITE well!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Isabel's day at the park
On another note - I am SO excited that tomorrow, Isabel will step foot for the first time into a gymnastics gym! We are going to open gym at IGM Gymnastics in Burnsville. Little girl, I hope you fall in love with the sport as much as your mommy loves it! If so, then meet your future! Look out, 2024 Olympics, here we come!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Little people mama?
UPDATE: Luke just got home from softball and after FIRST telling me about his softball victory, and THEN reading my blog post, he informed me that before I got home from work yesterday, he heard Isabel saying in the living room "Mama? Mama?" He knew I wasn't home yet, and a second later she came toddling around the corner with, you guessed it, the Little People mama, and was pointing to her and chanting "Mama, mama!" Tooooo funny!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Haiku Tuesday (joining Jenna!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Isabel knows what mommies are (and not just her own)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Isabel's first trip to Valleyfair
We started out in KidZone, which used to be the Berenstain Bears park. There was a foam ball factory in there which Isabel was OK with as long as she was in my arms for the first 10 minutes or so (there were loud noises that scared her). Eventually she was OK with getting down on the floor and helping me gather foam balls to load into the Ball Launcher! The very first ride we took her on was a Thrill Ride Level 2 (Grandmas and Great-Grandmas, gasp here). It was a rowboat where she sat in between Daddy and Mommy and the ride went around and round and rocked back and forth a bit too. She was never scared, but a bit reserved at first, but by the end she was laughing, grabbing onto the bar for leverage, and when the ride ended, she signed "more"! We have a photo but it doesn't capture the joy she really felt on this ride!
We wandered around the Kiddie Park hoping for more rides that we could go on with her, but unfortunately were disappointed that most rides only allowed the child to go. Obviously, she is far too young to be able to ride a ride by herself! So, off to the waterpark we went. I had thought to bring her swimsuit and a swim diaper last minute, so once we saw how few rides there actually were for her to partake in, we were happy we brought it.
The waterpark was a HUGE SUCCESS! When we got there she had been fussy, as she was getting tired. But the minute her little feet were put down on the bottom of the wading pool, all thoughts of fussing or sleep were a distant memory. She was MUCH braver than we thought, venturing toward the big fountains in the middle, leaning down and splashing herself in the face with water (and then laughing), and pushing our hands away when we tried to hold her hands, knowing that she would at some point slip and fall. We ended up "compromising" with her by using the straps of her swimsuit as "handles" so that we could pick her back up when she started to fall. Around and around and around the wading pool and baby lazy river she went, climbing in and out all by herself (under our watchful eyes and while we hung onto her "handles"). She would have spent hours more in that pool if we had let her, I think, but I was starting to worry about the sun even though I had liberally applied SPF 60 sunblock on her several times already! We got LOTS of great photos and hope you enjoy them as much as we have!
Next she had a snack of a pretzel with cheese, "bopped to the beat" of the music show outside the 50's Diner, and went on the carousel twice (once with Mommy on a bench and once with Daddy when she finally became OK with sitting on a horsie). Then we decided to call it a day. Came home, ate dinner, gave her a nice bath to wash all the sunblock and fair grit off, and had her promptly in bed at 7:00 (she was a very tired girl).
(P.S. Mommy and Daddy each managed to sneak in a real thrill ride while the other stayed with Isabel. Mommy went on the roller coaster Renegade, which I haven't been on yet since I was pregnant with Isabel the year it came out, and Daddy went on Extreme Swing. We each had to get a tiny taste of the thrill rides we love so much, or we might have been just a tiny bit jealous of Isabel getting to have all the fun!)
I am sure there will be more Valleyfair stories to come this summer!